The Magical Tree of Monterey Square

Over the of the last year I have found comfort in tree located in Monterey Square. The tree as a hole located just at eye level, people have been leaving gifts in this tree for over a decade. During covid the giving tree had been less active the in years before. I started taking the task of decorating it and leaving little gifts behind, as well as notes. I would always sign the notes as Cicada Pixie, which became my alias. Over time other people started getting involved with the tree as well. People started trading gift and letters through the tree, and even left gifts specifically for the Cicada Pixie. I got to know these people leaving gifts, becoming friends in the real world creating our own tree loving community. These pages are a collage of the gifts I have received through the tree, some I know who they came from others I do not, but that is part of the magic of the tree in Monterey Square.


Bug Prints


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